Listen below to a brief overview of what you will learn from Jeff Overholt on the next live RGX Coach Spotlight
Learn how Jeff Overholt embraced the unknown, moved across the country on a whim, and now makes over $100,000/year doing what he loves while building deeper relationships with his players.
About Jeff
Jeff is a PGA of Canada Class “A” member and certified coach for New Competitors with numerous certifications related to athlete development. Jeff was recently awarded the 2022 PGA of BC “Teacher of the Year” for the Interior Section and brings with him 15 years experience coaching juniors, NCAA, mini-tour and masters level athletes.
Jeff offers comprehensive and holistic player development programs at the Harvest Club with players receiving support related to their technical, physical, mental, and tactical skills development. Jeff creates an “athlete-centered” learning environment and provides player’s a framework for skill development which is grounded in science, backed by decades of biomechanical research, and designed for those who want to challenge their potential.
Jeff was previously the co-owner of the Toronto based coaching group, Golf Performance Coaches (GPC). GPC has emerged as a leader in junior golf coaching in Canada and supports both players and coaches on their journey in golf.
Jeff has his undergraduate degree in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa and has won numerous PGA awards for his work with juniors as well as the emergence of coach development in golf. More specifically, Jeff was awarded the PGA of Ontario “Coach of the Year” in 2013 and the PGA of Canada “Junior Leader” award in 2014.
As a compliment to his time at Harvest outdoors, Jeff runs off-season coaching programs at his indoor coaching studio.