Fill Your Lesson Book in Just Eight Weeks Without Feeling Like You Have to "Sell"

MACRO Sales System

A simple and proven sales strategy created by golf coaches for golf coaches. Generating $10,000,000+ in sales for golf coaches over the past eight years.

You’re helping golfers and enjoying what you’re doing, but the stress of constantly trying to fill your lesson book is overwhelming.

What if your lesson book was completely full?

What if you were working with the students you WANTED to coach?

What if you were making your target income?

We can help you make it a reality.

Watch how Bo Baker brought in $7,000 in his first six weeks going through this bootcamp!

“I hit my 10X challenge in less than four weeks. The MARCO system Will teaches is just amazing; it’s like I finally understood how to get people to say ‘yes’ to my coaching.”

Nick Duffy

I hated selling, especially prospecting and closing, and through this course I have lost that fear and am now passionately sharing my skills to help golfer to their goals.

John Cominaki

I want to help you get rid of the fear of selling and replace it with the passion for coaching.

I’ve developed a unique sales method for golf instruction called MACRO.

At Will Robins Golf here in Sacramento, we’ve personally generated $3,000,000+ in instruction sales, and RGX coaches have generated $8,000,000+ over the past eight years.

You’ll leave this bootcamp with a five-step process guaranteed to increase your sales and retention of players, all while learning the specific questions you should ask and in which order you should ask them.

Want to learn the potential in your golf instruction business?

Take our business assessment below!

This is for you if... need more students

If you're struggling to fill your lesson book and want to stop having gaps of time open in your day​, this will help! don't have enough income

If you're concerned about the total income you’re making from golf instruction, we're going to walk you through a path toward setting and meeting your goals.'re thinking about a change

If you're honestly questioning if it might be time for a career change to something more lucrative, we have the strategy and methods to help you get moving forward.​

After working with Coach Will Robins and the RGX team for eight weeks, you'll learn...

What’s inside this bootcamp?

An easy-to-follow program designed to teach you to fill your lesson book and have a real strategy towards selling and growing your business​.

If this sounds like a great fit...

Let’s get on the phone and talk quickly about your business, your unique situation, and make sure we’re a good fit to work together.

Fill out a brief coach application. Once submitted, you will be directed to our online calendar to schedule a call. 👇

10X Guarantee

We believe in our system so much that we guarantee you a 10X return on your investment!

That’s right.

If you don’t get ten times the amount back from what you paid, we will coach you for free till you get there. You just have to follow the steps, and you will see the returns.

Here’s the proof…

Mike Dickson  |  Teaching Professional at Congressional CC

Mike shares his journey with RGX and how he’s transformed his teaching business at the prestigious Congressional Country Club.

Bill Murchinson  |  Georgia Golf Performance

Bill shares how he’s grown a thriving junior program and the guidance RGX has provided along his coaching journey.